Friday 12 November 2010

nov 12th diet diary and self upgrade challenge

Today has been another off day, not completely but it could have gone alot better.
Breakfast i had bran flakes with the last of the banana chips then my friend took me to weatherspoons ( a local pub) for a treat and i had a full English but i didnt get to eat it all coz we had to dash off which was good i suppose lol

didnt have anything for lunch again agghhhhh! definitely gunna sort myself out tomorrow

dinner i had a chicken salad with my usual dollop of low fat mayo

snacks again have been bad today coz ive been out half the day, ive been rushing around trying to get stuff done,  ive had 1 cookie, 2 creme caramels, one mini gingerbread man,  a synthetic cream filled split doughnut and a quality street caramel cup. gotta pull my socks up for tomorrow not falling off the wagon 3 days in a row or i wont be shifting any weight this week. 

self upgrade challenge is goin really good, my partner ordered a take away for dinner for him and the kids tonight but instead i made my own healthy dinner and still ate with them so well done me for resisting!! lol my water has been going fab, ive only got a tiny bit left to drink for today and ill probably have more after that too. exercise wise  could be better but coz ive run around town for the past 2 days im not too worried i worked out monday and tuesday so i do still have 2 more work outs to do but then i will make myself do them tomorrow and sunday.....sorted. all in all its been a fairly good week.
my lunch video is late this week coz i havent had time so i might just do a quick wordy video with a few pics so i can get that done and uploaded tomorrow.
ni nite everyone!!

peace xoxo

Thursday 11 November 2010

nov 11th diet diary

Today has been a bit hectic coz ive had visitors, had to pop to town to do a bit of shopping and ive been practicing my baking so i havent had much time to prepare meals so it wasnt a very good day for me im afraid.
i stated off good, breakfast i had three boiled eggs with 2 slices of dry wholemeal toast
i didnt have anything for lunch uh-oh i know!
dinner i had a turkey sandwich with 2 packs of crisps (which i shared with my son) coz i just couldn't be bothered to prepare a meal for myself
snacks have been crazy 2day, ive had a creme caramel, a chocolate bar, and coz ive been baking ive had 2 cookies and 2 miniature gingerbread men but they were only small 
i havent been on my treadmill today as i havent had time so definitely will be on there tomorrow and Saturday also today ive had over my liter of water so my H2O intake has improved....... finally!!!!
im off up the wooden hill to bedfordshire now so nitey nite world
peace xoxo

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Nov 10th diet diary

today has been a good one, especially with drinking my water ive had 2 liters today!! that is brill for me. 
breakfast i had again bran flakes with banana chips

lunch i had a large bowl of chicken soup with 2 slices of wholemeal bread

dinner i had a chicken salad with a dollop of mayo

snacks throughout the day were the rest of my potato salad i made yesterday, a pack of crisps and i did have a bar of chocolate =[ im not too worried about that little slip up though coz i didnt have many snacks today and i think thats because ive drunk so much water

laters xoxo

Tuesday 9 November 2010

straight to it........
breakfast i had bran flakes with a couple of those banana chips

 for lunch i had potato salad ( cooled, boiled potatoes mixed with chopped onions and low fat mayo)
lettuce, cucumber and sweetcorn from a tin


and for dinner i had a packet rice mild curry flavored

and for snacks ive had 2 slices of a chocolate orange (yay me for not eating anymore than that!!) 
creme caramel, a banana, a packet of wotsits (crisps) and a banana delight, again split into 2 eaten at 2 separate intervals. so i have had quite a few snacks 2day oopsie!!
Water intake has been top notch 2day ive had more than a liter and ive also worked out twice already this week so my self upgrade challenge is going well

peace xoxo

8th november 2010 diet diary and weigh-in (posted a day late... sorry!!)

so this post is a day late coz i was completely busy all day yesterday and really didnt have time so i am updating now

breakfast i had weetabix with sliced banana
lunch i had cheese salad sandwich with a banana


dinner i had a pasta packet with a piece of bread 

and my only snack throughout the day was a banana flavored delight which i split into 2 and had 1/2 after lunch and 1/2 after dinner
( its a powder that you add milk to and whisk until its thick and creamy
featured in one of my youtube videos)

last week i weighed in at 16st 7lbs this week i was 16st 4lbs so i had a loss of 3lbs which i was completely surprised about.

my goal for my next weigh-in is to be in the 15st region so im going to work my butt off this week to try and achieve that.
also ive joined a group sort of thing lol its on youtube, its called 'self upgrade challenge' and in this challenge you have to choose 3 lifestyle changes and try and keep it up, it started yesterday (8th Nov 2010) and will end on the 1st of January
my goals are:
* to drink at least 1 liter of water a day
* to work out at least 4 times a week
* and to stay away from fast food and takeaways 

wish me luck!!!
laters xoxo

Sunday 7 November 2010

November 7th diet diary

hello guys hope everyone is well

for breakfast this morning i had peeled plum tomatoes on wholemeal toast

for lunch i had chicken flavored noodles with peas 

and for dinner i had a large chicken salad.
Then throughout the day for snacks ive had 2 bananas, a creme caramel and a bag of chocolate covered raisins.

today i also found these dried banana slices, and when i was younger my mother used to buy this cereal that had these dried banans in it and i never ate the cereal i just used to eat the banana bits coz they were so yummy! so ive finally found a completely healthy snack that i can fully enjoy =]

Again my water intake has been bad 2day i need to work something out with that seriously!!!!!

Its weigh-in tomorrow, i dont think ive done too good this week but ive got my fingers crossed, arms crossed and legs crossed hoping for a loss. ill update tomorrow with my loss/gain and my meals. i just remembered i havent taken my iron tablet!! ill go take it now.........see this blogging thing is good for something lol 

peace xoxo

Saturday 6 November 2010

November 6th diet diary

so for breakfast i had scrambeled egg on toast with a cup of coffee
Lunch i had a huge chicken salad with a medium dollop of low fat mayo
Ive haven't had anything for dinner because my lunch was so big i couldn't eat nothing and for snacks throughout the day Ive had 3 bananas and a creme caramel and also drunk a bottle and a half of sparkling peach flavored water. its 8:26 pm and im off to bed lol, i need to start taking my iron tabs again i think.
peace xoxo