Sunday 7 November 2010

November 7th diet diary

hello guys hope everyone is well

for breakfast this morning i had peeled plum tomatoes on wholemeal toast

for lunch i had chicken flavored noodles with peas 

and for dinner i had a large chicken salad.
Then throughout the day for snacks ive had 2 bananas, a creme caramel and a bag of chocolate covered raisins.

today i also found these dried banana slices, and when i was younger my mother used to buy this cereal that had these dried banans in it and i never ate the cereal i just used to eat the banana bits coz they were so yummy! so ive finally found a completely healthy snack that i can fully enjoy =]

Again my water intake has been bad 2day i need to work something out with that seriously!!!!!

Its weigh-in tomorrow, i dont think ive done too good this week but ive got my fingers crossed, arms crossed and legs crossed hoping for a loss. ill update tomorrow with my loss/gain and my meals. i just remembered i havent taken my iron tablet!! ill go take it now.........see this blogging thing is good for something lol 

peace xoxo

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