Tuesday 9 November 2010

8th november 2010 diet diary and weigh-in (posted a day late... sorry!!)

so this post is a day late coz i was completely busy all day yesterday and really didnt have time so i am updating now

breakfast i had weetabix with sliced banana
lunch i had cheese salad sandwich with a banana


dinner i had a pasta packet with a piece of bread 

and my only snack throughout the day was a banana flavored delight which i split into 2 and had 1/2 after lunch and 1/2 after dinner
( its a powder that you add milk to and whisk until its thick and creamy
featured in one of my youtube videos)

last week i weighed in at 16st 7lbs this week i was 16st 4lbs so i had a loss of 3lbs which i was completely surprised about.

my goal for my next weigh-in is to be in the 15st region so im going to work my butt off this week to try and achieve that.
also ive joined a group sort of thing lol its on youtube, its called 'self upgrade challenge' and in this challenge you have to choose 3 lifestyle changes and try and keep it up, it started yesterday (8th Nov 2010) and will end on the 1st of January
my goals are:
* to drink at least 1 liter of water a day
* to work out at least 4 times a week
* and to stay away from fast food and takeaways 

wish me luck!!!
laters xoxo

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