Saturday 6 November 2010

I am very new to this!!!

This is my 1st ever blog!!! So i am in my 4th week of weight loss and to be honest i am loosing motivation =[
So i thought id give this blogging thing a go and im going to start keeping a food diary on here so hopefully it will keep me on track. my last weigh-in was Monday (1st November) and i wieghed in at 16st 7lbs and i wieghed again on thursday and wieghed-in at 16st 5lbs, yeay!! i thought, but i wieghed today and its gone back up to 16.7 =[ but this week is my lady week if you know what i mean without being too crude and i usally get really bloated so i wont be suprised if i dont loose this week, but its life and next week i will come back with avengance.

I am going to be totally honest but i have had a few chocolate bars this week  and my water in take is still really crap i need to sort that out.

So im going to posting everyday with my meal diary and maybe some pictures, it is only 11:05 am at the moment so Ive only had breakfast so i will post tonight with my full days diary and fingers crossed i get motivated again!!!!!

Laters xoxo


  1. I'm hitting a rut and losing motivation as well :( we need to suck it up and continue on! The reward is worth the misery.

  2. yeah totally! next week is the week for me i think! xoxo
